This past weekend I picked the wrong day to go to Target to get the boring household items… toliet paper, detergent, you know, the not so fun things…
In my defense totally forgot that its UW student move in this weekend for many reasons but the main one being my daughter Grace will not be going to college. As I am strolling around watching all these parents and their kids shop for their dorm rooms I feel my eyes swell up and then the tears running down my cheek. I tried to hold them back as my mind starts to wonder why Grace was dealt the cards she has and then wonder what she would be like in the store – what colors she would want, what style, what she is going to school to be?
People always say to me that I always seem so positive and that I never feel cheated out of life. I laugh and tell them I have hard days just like them. Over the weekend, as I left my cart behind and headed home – THAT was a hard day. I wish Grace was better, I wish she was being a snot to me in Target when I tell her “no” on some over-priced item, I wish I was moving her into a dorm or an apartment, I wish I knew what she would be like had things been different. Any parent who says it doesn’t matter, well I believe it does. I believe we have a right to feel sad and to feel cheated out of a life we onced dreamed of when we were having our families. I wish Grace had all the opportunities as her sister and her peers, but wishing on things that are not realistic for her right now only holds me back from enjoying and loving the daughter I have today.
The point is… be sad, cry, be mad, but then remember you have your child in front of you who loves you in all the ways they know how and never let the sadness hold you back from fighting and holding on to hope.
Kindness always shines through,
Shannon and Grace
Something happened last week that really made the “mama bear” in me come out and I feel like I have to say this out loud… I’m on here a lot to talk about hope and to tell Grace’s story, but this past week I witnessed something amazing in my daughter, Lily, that ended in such disappointment for … Continue reading “Kindness Goes A Long Way”
Many of you are asking for updates on Grace so I thought I would take this week’s blog and use it for an update. You know when you have someone in your life and they always seem to amaze you with their resilience? Well, that would pretty much sum up my daughter Grace and how … Continue reading “A Place For Grace Update”
I know I’ve been slacking on blogs recently and I wanted to shed some light on why… Thank you everyone for your prayers and continued support for Grace and our family. I would like 2017 to end or at least have a do over from January 1st on for Grace. Grace is now at home … Continue reading “Never Give Up Hope”
Because sometimes we all need to be reminded. I know lately I feel as though nothing I do is right or has meaning and I have let myself believe that. I am looking forward to 2018, but make a promise to make the rest of 2017 matter…
This past weekend I picked the wrong day to go to Target to get the boring household items… toliet paper, detergent, you know, the not so fun things… In my defense totally forgot that its UW student move in this weekend for many reasons but the main one being my daughter Grace will not be going … Continue reading “Holding On To Hope”
Have you ever been amazed thousands of time by the same person or the same thing in life? I never thought that was possible… Grace proved me wrong. Everyday she amazes me with the gift of life and reminds me how blessed I am to have the privileged of being her momma. In less than … Continue reading “Reflections of Grace”
Love you Shannon❤️